As your instructor, it's my number one goal to create a superior quality experience which is equal parts fun and effective for improving your photography. A problem workshops tend to run into is a mismatch of skill levels within the attendees - what could be valuable information to a less experienced photographer could feel like a bit of a waste of time for a photographer of a higher skill level. On the flip side, a novice photographer who ends up in a workshop full of advanced attendees might end up feeling a little left behind.
In order to keep everyone on the same page and to get the most out of the workshop, each KDP workshop is geared towards a specific skill level (novice, intermediate, advanced and expert as noted on the event's info page), and a selection of the best combination of participants is chosen from the applications. Those who are not selected for this particular workshop are welcome to remain on the waiting list, in case of a cancellation. I will be regularly holding workshops large and small all over the U.S. for all skill levels, so keep an eye out for what's coming up!